One True Meaning 528 Activate Face+ Media With Shanni Lloy Sullivan

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Simple Reminders - What a GREAT MESSAGE!

Stop your worrying, panicking and stressing. Breathe. Remember, you made it this far through difficulties that seemed...

Posted by Bryant McGill on Saturday, December 6, 2014

I'm telling you folks, ditch the doubt, the fear and the ego. Look how far you've come. Look how far I've come! I still don't have my daughters back, but miracles are working behind the scenes because of my positive outlook on life and my help and hope for humanity mission. I am firsthand seeing that this simple reminder by Bryant McGill is SO TRUE - look how far you've come, not the ugly left behind. Exactly, its behind you - NOT what's in front of you! Let God work out the miracles, he's there waiting to do so - just look forward in absolute faith. Believe me, I have every reason in the world to doubt right now. But my own uprising is just the opposite - I'm giving my life goals and happiness wings by putting faith out there and lifting up as many people as possible - do the same! Be happy even when the situation looks otherwise. God is waiting to see you shine, not crumble. Give life to your words and deeds - breathe life back into your heart and soul. SHINE!

Have a great week everyone!

One True Meaning - The Purpose Is for We The People....

Powered by FundRazr

Well good Sunday morning everyone, I am so excited today and feel so many positive things about the network lately. I posted my new Halloween playbuzz list last night for fun and that's gaining some likes and shares - cool cool!

And there's so much more to this network - so many blogs and communities that are exciting and helpful to others. Yesterday on my crowdfunding blogmy friend Kris' fundraiser and Nikki & John's interfaith mobile ministry. As well I have a group on facebook for it also - here on facebook I really felt the need to help out these awesome people since that's what my work is for - helping others, and that's the #1 purpose!

But folks, I'm at a point too where I'm needing some contributions as well for my own work so that I can keep continuing my work for others and keep the bills paid. I said a prayer for my financial situation last night, having dealt with in my personal life a flood in my basement and 3 bouts of pneumonia, a very nasty legal fight for my daughters against their abusive father, much less just normal living expenses as it is. I woke up this morning and as my card balance is texted to me daily, a hidden expense I had was taken from my card making my funds and ability to pay for another more needed expense, unavailable when I didn't truly have the money to use for it in the first place. GASP! Its often a challenge a lot of business owners and bloggers go through - so few people do it for free, and I'm not one that can do it for free either. But I do so because I know obviously what its like to help others because no one else is. Not necessarily that people don't want to help - on the contrary, I know a lot of people that want to help, but like - me, just can't. This was the whole sole purpose of that blog and the community - for people to actually get much needing funding. My work has "One True Meaning - it means "purpose", and it really truly is.

So that's when the answer came to me, to put my fun list on hold for a minute and put the word out here on my social spaces to get some contributions if at all possible. So that I can help others, help others, help others - the good work can continue. Nikki and John's work is such a sacrifice for them, like mine, but it has helped me and so many others. That's why I felt called to help them so much. Nikki is 5 months pregnant to boot and as a mom, I can identify with that. Kris - is a long time friend I met in 7th grade that I recently re-connected with through facebook. She's a mom - and a pet owner who recently had to put one of her furbabies down who was extremely sick and its created a big huge vet bill for her and her family. Kris also has a rare condition that has caused her huge migraines constantly that often kept her from work and paying bills for her own family as well. These are the kind of good people my work, my "purpose" is for. Its not for the big wig corps, its for the people.

Nobody foots the bill but me here on my network, and there are expenses associated with running my work - the funds that I do get are literally just paying the bills here, but my work obviously DOES help others in the business community, non-profit organizations and regular people like Kris, you and me.

The blogger sites are free to use, but I have paid hosting for through hostmantis and other expenses. I'm needing at least $300 of my $500 set amount by the end of the week so I can keep on my mission and do my part to provide for the family. We always do this work in faith that we will be able to help others. But sometimes we gotta put ourselves in the frontlines so that the work can continue to prosper. So all I am asking for today is for those who are able to donate - even small donations of $5, $10, $25 can really add up fast and I will do some exchange work as well. Not too long ago I did a short term design job for a longtime colleague of mine whom I've always worked well with and we've always traded. I was able to work well with her to get things done. I can and will exchange business services for contributions provided. I am not needing so many promotions (although they are still very much appreciated), as I am just outright needing the contributions. I would so appreciate your help and support at this time and would be happy to provide you with services for contributions - that's what my work is all about! There is so much more I can do with contributions and funding for my work online.

So please if you will - view the campaign above and make your contribution - it doesn't have to be super huge, but they do add up very fast once people do start contributing.

The direct link to my fundrazr page is here =>> if you'd like to go view the actual page. A lot of work has gone into my fundrazr site, its a really great campaign working towards our purpose. Thank you so much for your support and look forwards to working with you.

Thank you so much for all your love and support. Right back at you :) God bless!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Superwoman - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

What will the superwoman be, of whom we sing - She who is coming over the dim border Of Far To-morrow, after earth’s disorder Is tidied up by Time? What will she bring
To make life better on tempestuous earth? How will her worth Be greater than her forbears? What new power Within her being will burst into flower?
She will bring beauty, not the transient dower Of adolescence which departs with youth - But beauty based on knowledge of the truth Of its eternal message and the source Of all its potent force. Her outer being by the inner thought Shall into lasting loveliness be wrought. She will bring virtue; but it will not be The pale, white blossom of cold chastity Which hides a barren heart. She will be human - Not saint or angel, but the superwoman - Mother and mate and friend of superman.

She will bring strength to aid the larger Plan, Wisdom and strength and sweetness all combined, Drawn from the Cosmic Mind - Wisdom to act, strength to attain, And sweetness that finds growth in joy or pain. She will bring that large virtue, self-control, And cherish it as her supremest treasure. Not at the call of sense or for man’s pleasure Will she invite from space an embryo soul, To live on earth again in mortal fashion, Unless love stirs her with divinest passion. To motherhood she will bring common sense - That most uncommon virtue. She will give Love that is more than she-wolf violence (Which slaughters others that its own may live). Love that will help each little tendril mind To grow and climb; Love that will know the lordliest use of Time In training human egos to be kind.

She will be formed to guide, but not to lead - Leaders are ever lonely - and her sphere Will be that of the comrade and the mate, Loved, loving, and with insight fine and clear, Which casts its searchlight on the course of fate, And to the leaders says, ‘Proceed’ or ‘Wait.’

And best of all, she will bring holy faith To penetrate the shadowy world of death, And show the road beyond it, bright and broad, That leads straight up to God.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Fun with Fruit Pizza

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I stayed at friend of his home and for a treat Saturday morning they served us Fruit Pizza. The smell of the crust reminded me of going to a State Fair and the resulting dish, as you can see above, was beautiful. I asked...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Miss Me, But Let Me Go....

I have a "tugging" to post this today. Is it a message from YOUR Loved One? Please SHARE. <3

Posted by Psychic Medium Michelle Russell on Sunday, August 2, 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

Despicable Me Tic Tacs? Worth 2 facepalms and SMH.....

Next they will bring back chiclets and make minion gum #smh

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